Przesyłanie tekstów

Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych mogą zostać odrzucone.

Wytyczne dla autorów

Informatiom for Authors

  1. The manuscript must be compatibile with journal's profile and have the correct structure (structure of the manuscript), should not be more than 12 typewritten pages, A4 format, taking into account the following parameters: a margin of 3.5 cm on the left-hand side, Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 line spacing, 30 lines of 60 characters on the page, i.e. 1800 characters.
  2. Manuscripts should be submitted by the editorial panel of the "Szkoła Specjalna" [Special School] journal, tab: Submit manuscript in the full version and in the version for review. In the latter, you should remove your name and affiliation from the header, references to your own research from the publication (you can mask the data that allow you to identify the Author using XY symbols), and your own authorship entries from the bibliography.
  3. Along with the manuscript, a scan of the completed and signed "Statement on the originality of the publication, financing and transfer of copyright" (form) should be submitted as an attached file.
  4. Tables, diagrams and illustrations, numbered and titled, with an annotation indicating in which software (other than Word) they were made and to which part of the manuscript they refer, should be placed in separate files (i.e. each table, diagram, illustration saved in a separate file).
  5. A scientific article should be accompanied by an abstract (250–300 words) reflecting the structure of the article (introduction, method, results, conclusions), and keywords (3–5) in Polish and English. An abstract in English is provided by the Publishing House.
  6. Bibliographical references and bibliography should be made in accordance with the APA standard (6th Edition) – guidelines for Authors.
  7. References to sources should be placed directly in the manuscript and should include:

a) in the case of quotation – author's name, year of publication, page number, e.g.: (Kowalski, 2004, p. 12);

b) when referring to the source – author's name (for the first reference in the article, the full first name and last name, for the next one, the last name is sufficient), year of publication (or page number), e.g. According to Wojciech Kowalski (2004)…; According to Kowalski (2004, p. 15)…; According to many authors (Nowak, 2001; Żak, 2003; Kowalski, 2004)...

  1. The bibliography must include all the sources of quotations and information contained in the paper, sorted alphabetically (according to the last name of the authors). Elements of the bibliographic description:

a) books

Sękowska, Z. (1974). Pedagogika specjalna. Lublin: UMCS.

Heszen, I., Sęk, H. (2007). Psychologia zdrowia. Warszawa: WN PWN.

Strelau, J., Ciarkowska, W., Nęcka, E. (ed.). (2001). Różnice indywidualneMożliwości i preferencje. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.

b) book chapters

Dyduch, E. (2009). Kierowanie sobą jako umiejętność życiowa młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. In: D. Baczała, J.J. Błeszyński, M. Zaorska (ed.), Osoba z niepełnosprawnością – opieka, terapia, wsparcie (pp. 339–347). Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK.

c) journal articles

Byra, S., Parchomiuk, M. (2015). Przywiązanie a satysfakcja małżeńska współmałżonków osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchową. Studia nad Rodziną37, pp. 199–220.

d) unpublished dissertations and master's theses

Gnoińska, B. (2006). Cyberprzestrzeń kreatorem rzeczywistości dziecka. Unpublished master's thesis, Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warszawa.

e) Internet sources

Bałaj, B. (2011). Analiza i interpretacja ruchów oczu w skaningu wyobrażeniowym. Downloaded from:

  1. The literature list should not contain private information or work in preparation. Reference to such sources may only be made in the footnotes.
  2. The Editorial Office does not return submitted materials and reserves the right to make changes to article without changing its substance.
  3. Manuscripts that do not meet to the Editorial Office's requirements will not be submitted for review.
  4. The waiting time for publication in the journal (after obtaining two positive reviews) is three months.
  5. All rights to the submitted and published manuscripts are transferred to the Publishing House in accordance with the "Statement..." signed by the Authors.
  6. The Authors of the publication should reveal the contribution of individual authors to the creation of the publication, the contribution of other entities and the sources of its financing (financial disclosure), whereas the primary responsibility lies with the author submitting the manuscript.
  7. In the case of using foreign works in their own work, the Authors are obliged to attach, to the materials provided, a consent – in electronic version – for reproducing or adapting a given work or its fragment (tables, figures, quotes exceeding 400 words, etc.) from persons and / or institutions having appropriate reproduction rights.
  8. Authors are also obliged to carefully and reliably provide sources under illustrations, tables, diagrams, etc.
  9. All discovered instances of scientific negligence (ghostwriting – failure to disclose the contribution of other persons to the creation of the publication, guest authorship – when the author's contribution to the publication is negligible or did not take place, and despite this he/she is the Author / co-author of the publication) will be documented and publicized.
  10. Manuscripts are reviewed confidentially and anonymously ("double-blind review") by two external experts who are not in conflict of interests with the manuscript's Author / Authors, according to "Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce" [Review procedures in science: good practices] (2011) developed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (review procedure).
  11. Stages of the circulation of the manuscript submitted for publication.
  12. The list of reviewers is published in the journal once a year in the issue no. 5.
  13. In the case of a manuscript written by many authors, one author should be indicated for correspondence with the Editorial Office.
  14. Authors publish texts free of charge and receive an free original copy of the journal issue.
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