Ethics statement

Ethics statement

  1. Editors prevent “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”.
    “Ghostwriting” is a situation when an author made significant contributions to the paper, yet he/she was not acknowledged as one of the authors and his/her role was not referred to in the paper. “Guest authorship” is a situation when an author’s contribution to the paper is negligible or non-existent and yet he/she is acknowledged as one of the authors or a sole author of the paper. Both described phenomena are expressions of scientific dishonesty.
  2. Editors prevent plagiarism by using antiplagiarism programmes prior to acceptance of the paper for double blind peer review.
  3. Editors of the journal require the exact contribution (specified in percent) of Author/Authors to the paper along with their affiliation to be specified in the contract. Responsibility for the information rests on the Author that submits the paper for publication.
  4. We use double blind peer-review procedure, where both the Authors and the two independent Reviewers do not know each others identity. Reviewers are not connected neither to the Author nor to the journal’s staff.

The Authors are requested to provide a statement that their submitted work:

  • is their own personal work and does not bridge any copy rights or authorship rights;
  • has not been published in whole or in part elsewhere;
  • is not currently being considered for publication in another journal;
  • they are individually responsible for the content of their article.

The Reviewers are required to:

  • not disclose the content of the assessed papers nor the content of their own reviews;
  • not use any parts of the papers that they are assessing;
  • adhere to the double blind peer review procedure and will not try to establish the authorship of the papers they are reviewing;
  • pay particular attention to the issues of plagiarism and ghost writing and if detected or suspected they will report their findings immediately to the Editors. 

The Editors are required to:

  • provide initial in-house review in cooperation with International Scientific Boards and coordinate the process of peer-reviews and correspondence with the respective Authors;
  • react appropriately to any case of misconduct;
  • provide confidentaility and transparency throughout the whole process of submission, review and publication;
  • adhere to the Commitee on Publication Ethics recommendations (COPE).

The Scientific Editorial Boards are required to: 

  • provide balanced and impartial advice and expertise to aid the process of the initial in-house review and to support Editors in their work;
  • inform the Editors of any conflict of interest or misconduct immediately;
  • adhere to the Commitee on Publication Ethics recommendations (COPE).

Any detected cases of misconduct, whether on the part of authors, reviewers or editors, will be immediately challenged and addressed in appropriate manner.


Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024)
Opublikowane: 2024-10-03

eISSN: 2392-0092

Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS

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