Published: 2021-12-30

Media changes and the development of remote education

Jakub Jerzy Czarkowski , Marcin Strzelec , Agnieszka Pytka


The teaching-learning process has always been associated with communication. It is worth paying attention to the fact that each activity in the course of the learning-teaching process should be treated as an act of interpersonal communication - between the teacher and the student, or internal dialogue - intrapersonal communication. The opportunities created by the spread of new technology for remote education are huge. but be aware of the limitations. ICT (information and communication technologies) is not a panacea for the problems of the remote education system. However, they can help overcome the barriers of conventional education and higher education, and can also contribute to the development of the LLL (Lifelong learning, lifelong, lifewide, voluntary, and self-motivated) system.


distance education, mass media, education, media development

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Czarkowski, J. J., Strzelec, M., & Pytka, A. (2021). Media changes and the development of remote education. International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies (IJPINT), 8(2), 30–35.

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