
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Publication Rules

The editors initially evaluate the submitted manuscripts taking into account their quality and conformance with that journal's profile. Manuscripts accepted by the editors are then sent to at least two independent referees specializing in the appropriatefield. In accordance with the double-blind review process, the reviewers do not know the author's (or authors') identity and the authors do not know the names of the reviewers. The list of reviewers is published once a year.

All positively reviewed manuscripts and those corrected in compliance with the referees' suggestions are qualified for publication in a particular volume of the journal.


In accordance with the policy of transparency on the subjects making contribution to creating the manuscript, the editors counteract the manifestations of academic dishonesty, such as ghostwriting (not revealing shared authorship) and guest authorship (designating as authors or co-authors persons whose contribution in writing the manuscript was minimal or non-existent). It is the reason why the editors require from the authors to reveal the contribution of particular authors in producing the publication. All discovered cases of dishonesty will be disclosed. 

Guidelines for articles

Manuscripts should provide a significant theoretical contribution and should normally be no longer than approximately 8,000 words in length (they may be shorter), written in Word, 12 Calibri, double spaced, justified. Prepared in accordance with the APA style 7  manual. Please note that overly long papers, or papers not compliant with the editorial requirement will be returned without review at the Editors' discretion.

Research reports - based on the empirical data - making contemporary contributions to the Journal's fields of interest are also welcome by the Editors but these should not be longer than 5,000 words. (For further instructions see the last section of this guidelines).

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